Many people know that if the money or what not to invest, they will lose their value, often very rapidly. Official data on inflation, saying that the rate of depreciation is measured only two dozen percent. But for those who accumulates a large amount, and duration of payments is measured in years, this theoretically means a loss of more than half the savings.In reality, the price of various goods increased much faster and higher than the official rate of inflation. Those who notice it, understand what picture they see, by investing the money at low rates. So many are looking for the best possible options for where to invest your savings.
Bank interest has long lost that appeal, which they had before. If ever one could expect more than 30% per annum on the most ordinary deposits, now the most advantageous offer about a dozen that do not overlap inflation. Therefore, on bank deposits forget investors, looking for new options for capital.One of them, undoubtedly, is the financial market. Currencies, stocks, metals, raw materials and other financial instruments - a good opportunity to preserve and increase capital.One of the options for investing small amounts can be online trading. Trading stocks online is available to anyone who has a computer, internet access and a small capital. However, some people have illusions about the mechanism of trade and the end results.The causes and nature of these errors varied. The first myth is that you can buy different stocks, to sit around doing nothing, and earn an income. The reason for this opinion is in some real experience in trading stocks when shareholders receive dividends or sell profitable shares received at one time.But stock trading over the Internet - is quite different than people want to see.Typically, the capital for these transactions is small, while they themselves are short term trades. Therefore, the long term bull market is almost no work. In addition, most beginners are often only known examples of successful management of stocks. And the times when people are buying the securities to a strong drop in the market and as a result of losing a lot of money, virtually unknown. Yes, and many try to believe the best, locking the common sense in the far corner. In financial markets, the illusion - it is a recipe for failure.The second misconception is that online stock trading - a simple lesson that is accessible to everyone. On the one hand, yes, it is available. On the other hand the question remains - what will be the result of this trade? To a beginner in this business could get a steady income, even the smallest, he will make the difficult path of becoming a specialist. Unable to trade at random, as the stakes in the casino. Random success will be temporary, and not always successful. For stability, a positive result, you must first learn the basics of the stock market, and the theory of its operation.
Next, you should be familiar with the options market analysis, to study the mechanisms of interaction between the economy and its various structures.Fundamental analysis is usually - the basis of trading in the stock market. But, nevertheless, technical analysis can significantly improve the results, especially if the person intends to make short-term deal.In order to know all these details, you need a month of hard work, and only then will we become a professional and expect to be stable income.
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